It's My Life.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Life's Like A Football Match

Forrest Gump's mama says Life's Like A Box Of Chocolate. I'd say Life's Like A Football Match. ;)

There are two kind of people on earth. Just like in a football match. You have the spectators, and the players. Ok..we have the referees and coaches, too, as well as Physio, The Rapist (physiotherapist). Let's just take the coaches, referees and the rapist as the policemen, doctors..etc..etc and focus on the spectators and the players.

Who do you like to be? The spectators? or the players? I'd like to be the players. Just like in our life. I'd like to be the players.

In a footie match, the spectators will be shouting, criticising, jumping up and down like a monkey, shouting abuses, swearing...etc..etc...and at the end of the match, they are just spectators.

The players are different. They are the one in the limelight. They are the one playing the match. They are the one scoring the goals. Yeah baby...i want to be the player. I'm the player. Yes. I am the player. I am the scorer. I am me. The one and only me. I am different. I believe I am.