It's My Life.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What's life?

Funnily can someone work until so late...i assume 9 pm something...then come to work at 7am something the next day.. when work only starts at 9am...

don't they have a life? I mean...what about the family? that person I mention here is my colleague..and she's married.. doesn't she have a life? or could it be that...the husband doesn't love her she'd rather stays in the office than go home...

hmm...i just do not want to be like's precious...too precious to be wasted in the office...

two days gf brother's gf father passed away....suddenly.. according to my gf...he was washing his company car...when he felt a sharp pain at his chest...and blacked out...some of the clinics refused to admit him..or even have a good look at his condition...the dad passed away on the way to the hospital..

this just show how vulnerable our life can be...given a choice...i'd love to spend more time at home...with my family...sending my nieces and nephew to school would be even more fun...talking to them in the car...these are really the precious moments...

Think about it:

When you’re old and gray, sitting on the front porch of a nursing home, contemplating how you lived your life, what are you most likely to regret;

Not buying a more expensive home? Or not spending more time with your kids when they were young?

Not working around the clock for that promotion at the office? Or not spending more time with your parents and your friends when they needed you?

Time is our most precious commodity – far more precious than gold – because once its’ gone, you can never get it back!



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