Tammy Tammy, what a Whammy.

It's been sometimes now (ok, it's only a few days :P) when Tammy's news hit Singapore. Can you imagine, just a short 10 minutes video clip, probably shot using one of Nokia's N-Series hp, can slow down the Internet connection in Singapore?
That's amazing!
For all of you who do not know what it's all about, it's about the Paris Hilton of Asia. No! No! Not Robert's daughter!! Not the guy who owns Shangri-la chain of hotels. She's a 17-year-old student of Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore.
Yup! You heard it right! 17-years-old. (Underage ler brudder!)Now we know why it slows down the Internet connection in Singapore for 2 days. 2 days. That's no small feat, man! Just a short clip and it slows down your country's Internet connection. This is really new to me. Lol.
This brings us to another point which is rather fascinating. Are Singaporeans a whole bunch of perverts? *whistling innocently with eyes staring tellingly at the ceiling*
I don't even dare to think how much semen has been flushed down the toilets, in Singapore, of cos. And I'm sure you don't want to know how and where NEWater is produced from. lmao. But I guess a lot of you know how NEWater is produced. Good luck, my beloved neighbours.
No matter how open the society is, or how much the society has changed, no one, or more specifically, no female in this world (expect porn stars!) will want to video record their lovemaking process. It is pure dumb. And keeping it in your mobile phone is even dumber.
There's not need to elaborate as mobile phone is as the name says... MOBILE. Now the videoclip is really MOBILE. Moving from computers-to-computers. Lolz.
The whole world is watching them now, for all the wrong reason. A totally different type of sport. Bedminton. Lol.
Whatever it is, this is a good lesson for all the lovemakers. DO NOT FILM YERSELF MAKING OUT. You might be very careful, but a small mistake will free the cat. And you'll live to regret.
Or you who knows, you might make your fame from it? Just ask Paris Hilton.
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