It's My Life.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Stoopid Driver

This morning I was driving, on my way to work. There are two lanes, and I was on the left lane, quite a distance behind a bus.

When I saw the bus stopping at one of the bus stop, and seeing that the taxi on the right lane is quite a distance behind me, I turn on the signal to cut into the right lane, and overtake the bus.

And as you all know, upon seeing my signal light, this stoopid taxi driver immediately sped up his taxi, wanting to block me from cutting into the right lane, but fortunately, with my superb expertise in driving, I managed to cut into the right lane with ease and safely, before his taxi pick up the speed. LOL.

Why do ppl have to do these? What I mean is that, these stoopid drivers purposely step on the accelerator when they see your signal light. It's so....I don't know what to say. I encounter a lot of these drivers, and I just don't understand why do they have to do these? Why can't they just drive at their current speed,and let the car safely cut into that other lane?

Stoopid drivers.