It's My Life.

Friday, April 28, 2006

@ PNB Exhibition, Kuala Terengganu

I am still kind of dissapointed with my botched attempt to post up pictures of my trip to Pulau Redang. The scenery there is breathtaking, and the marine park is majestic. It brought me back to the memories of watching The Little Mermaid. Lol.

Right now I'm at PNB (Permodalan Nasional Berhad) exhibition here in Kuala Terengganu. And through experience, I thought maybe my lap top might help me kill some time over here.

And guess what?! They even have Wi Fi here!!! Lol. We knew TM will have a booth as well, and just take our chances hoping that they will have WiFi here as well. And it turns out TM is not the only company that turn on WiFi.

Below is the picture of the surau outside the huge exhibition tent.

What does the pic of surau stands for? I don't know lah...just looking for a pic to post it up. :p