Call from San Jose
Vincent called me this morning at about 8am. I nearly didn't want to pick up the call, because I was still half asleep and the screen shows "Private number". I hate people who purposely set thier hp ID to appear as "Private number" on the receiver handphone. I felt it's a nuisance, and sometimes if you missed a call, you wouldn't know who called you. And you can't call back if it's something urgent!
However, I seldom receive calls at such early hour, so I thought maybe it's something urgent, and I picked it up. And it's Vincent's voice at the other end. Lol. Alas, he called.
He went to the States without a word! This is his first call after almost one month in the States. Lol. We talked about life in the States and he says the smallest car they have over there is Nissan Sentra and Toyota Altis. Can you imagine that? How about cars the size of Kelisa or Kancil? He has yet to seen one. But cars are so affordable there, I don't think anyone will buy a smaller car. Even the petrol is cheap.
Yes! You read it right. The petrol there is cheaper than in Malaysia. Vince said full tank over there cost him USD30...but over here in Malaysia, he has to pay RM80. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask him if he's comparing the same car or the car with the same size petrol tank. Btw, we're comparing apple to apple here. Which means, you earn USD, and you spend USD, and you earn RM and you spend RM.
While some of us here in Malaysia work our ass off for our whole life, and couldn't even afford a Toyota Altis, a fresh grad over in the States can buy a Toyota Camry (USD20 000 ONLY) after working for only ONE f**king year! Even the fresh grad salary over there is higher than it is in Malaysia.
Sometimes it makes u wonder if we are deprived of our rights to better life. Supposingly good cars like Toyota Camry and Honda Accord are affordable to us...but...becos of the interest of certain ppl...the cars become unaffordable to majority of us, and we have to buy overpriced low quality cheap cars.
Life is so affordable over there. Things are cheap, not as overpriced as in Malaysia. If you are taking home the same salary you are getting in Malaysia, you would live a far happier life in the States. Nice car. Nice home. Nice food. Nice life.
But again, the grass is always greener on the other side of the world. If you have never experienced it before, you will never know. Vincent is there now, and this is what he sees which is already publicly known by everyone in Malaysia. Lol. He seems interested to stay back there to work, if he can find a company who is willing to bail him out of the bond with his current company.
I have a colleague who came back to Malaysia after spending more than 6 years in the States too. And he gave exactly the same review of life over there. So, Vincent can't be wrong. Hopefully, one day, I'll also get a chance to work in the States, earn a USD salary, and live there. Then I'll really know if it's as good as they say.
Btw, does anyone know what is the income tax rate in the States?
However, I seldom receive calls at such early hour, so I thought maybe it's something urgent, and I picked it up. And it's Vincent's voice at the other end. Lol. Alas, he called.
He went to the States without a word! This is his first call after almost one month in the States. Lol. We talked about life in the States and he says the smallest car they have over there is Nissan Sentra and Toyota Altis. Can you imagine that? How about cars the size of Kelisa or Kancil? He has yet to seen one. But cars are so affordable there, I don't think anyone will buy a smaller car. Even the petrol is cheap.
Yes! You read it right. The petrol there is cheaper than in Malaysia. Vince said full tank over there cost him USD30...but over here in Malaysia, he has to pay RM80. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask him if he's comparing the same car or the car with the same size petrol tank. Btw, we're comparing apple to apple here. Which means, you earn USD, and you spend USD, and you earn RM and you spend RM.
While some of us here in Malaysia work our ass off for our whole life, and couldn't even afford a Toyota Altis, a fresh grad over in the States can buy a Toyota Camry (USD20 000 ONLY) after working for only ONE f**king year! Even the fresh grad salary over there is higher than it is in Malaysia.
Sometimes it makes u wonder if we are deprived of our rights to better life. Supposingly good cars like Toyota Camry and Honda Accord are affordable to us...but...becos of the interest of certain ppl...the cars become unaffordable to majority of us, and we have to buy overpriced low quality cheap cars.
Life is so affordable over there. Things are cheap, not as overpriced as in Malaysia. If you are taking home the same salary you are getting in Malaysia, you would live a far happier life in the States. Nice car. Nice home. Nice food. Nice life.
But again, the grass is always greener on the other side of the world. If you have never experienced it before, you will never know. Vincent is there now, and this is what he sees which is already publicly known by everyone in Malaysia. Lol. He seems interested to stay back there to work, if he can find a company who is willing to bail him out of the bond with his current company.
I have a colleague who came back to Malaysia after spending more than 6 years in the States too. And he gave exactly the same review of life over there. So, Vincent can't be wrong. Hopefully, one day, I'll also get a chance to work in the States, earn a USD salary, and live there. Then I'll really know if it's as good as they say.
Btw, does anyone know what is the income tax rate in the States?
...grass is grass. it is different because they are of different species, need different nutrients, different temperature. of course there are good and bad to the various types of grass everywhere. we always think our grass is not so green, cos we know the in and out of the grass here and we only hear good things about the grass on the other end.
of course, if we can check out the grass at the other end, it would be a whole lot of good expereince for us, then we can know what is good grass and what is fake. good grass are hard to find. find a type of grass that suits us well. if we are like a weed, we can grow in any type of grass, but we may be called a parasite and grows root everywhere we go. a flower may grow on certain tye of "grass' but, being limited to grow in a certain type of "grass" doesnt make it less attractive.
lets check out the grass somewhere. i am sure we will find it interesting.
(btw, why your fren come back after 6 years. why come back here?)
Jyon, at 1:20 PM
it's a mistake. he and few of his friends wanted to start their own business...and they want to start it in malaysia...that's why he came back..
but the business didn't work out..
Anonymous, at 2:57 PM
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